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lozen 1.3.0


  • init_project_with_all() can initiate a repository based on a configuration file
    • On GitLab for package, book and golem
    • On GitHub for package
  • Modify vignettes to make them more user-friendly
  • CI/CD works for:
    • A R package : deployment of the pkgdown can be made on Gitlab Pages / Posit Connect
    • A golem shiny app : deployment of the pkgdown can be made on Gitlab Pages / deployment of the app on Posit Connect
    • A bookdown : a book compiled with either pagedown::paged_template or bookdown::bs4_book can be deployed on Gitlab Pages / Posit Connect


  • Modifications made to make {lozen} usable with `fusen::inflate_all()``

lozen 1.2.0


  • Rename all the token
  • Some packages go to suggest


  • Remove get_author function to thinkridentity

lozen 1.1.0



  • Add info in the Lead Dev first issue about the need to think about for devs
  • .onLoad() with the message about envars is temporary deactivated

lozen 1.0.1


  • Change the name of the vignette to add to create a weekly/daily

lozen 1.0.0

Use the former version of {thinkridentity} as a new basis for {lozen} - remove everything related to the management of the design graphic system


  • Use a fusen-style for the package
  • Add functions to manage templates of issues in GitLab and GitHub
  • Add a function to generate an issue to be presented to the client during the kick-off on the mission
  • Remove the function multilist_to_tibble() and move it to gitlabr


  • Allow weekly/daily to present the issues created and validated today
  • Allow url of Connect to not have / at the end

Archive: former versions of {thinkridentity}

Breaking changes
  • Add add_issue_clients_github() for the welcome issue on GitHub
  • Update instructions for delivery in “dev_history_deliverables.R”
  • Add instructions to deploy to connect from CI in “dev_history_connect.R”


  • Add full template to create a new project on GitLab with associated R code


  • PDF template creation with thinkR_pdf_create_header()
  • YAML header for PDF template with amend_yaml_pdf_output()
  • get_author: get infos for ThinkR authors
  • Add palettes and ggplot2 scales
  • Add gitlab-ci
  • Transform as package


jquery 3.3.1