ba - Manage forge board and wiki
Add labels
This will add labels “Prêt”, “En cours”, etc. in your project.
project_id = project_id
Create the board
This code prepares the board for the issues: Issues > Board > Add List
- If the labels are duplicated, go to Issues > Labels. Delete all the “project labels” by clicking on the 3 vertical dots, then Delete. The list of labels is now empty, but if you go back to the board, you will still have the global labels available, in one copy.
project_id = project_id
Add some special issues in the board
Add the first issue for the client
project_id = project_id,
project_name = project_name,
group_url = group_url
Add the issue that will be shown during the kick-off
project_id = project_id
Add the todo for the Lead Dev
project_id = project_id,
group_url = group_url,
project_name = project_name
Create the wiki pages
This will create some pages in the wiki of your project:
- Home
- Comptes-rendus
- Key dates
No autoclose issue and coverage regex
project_id = project_id
Add commit templates
project_path = project_path,
type = c("commit", "mr")
Tell all devs to run this in their own project
gert::git_config_set(repo = project_path, name = "commit.template", value = ".gitlab/template_commit")
Add issues templates
2 templates will be added for the issues that will be opened on your project:
- A “light” template
- A “full” template that contains all the information required to complete the issues
project_path = project_path,
language = "fr" # you can use "en" instead