Init a new project with everything in one command
Init a new project with everything in one command
project_gitlab_id = NULL,
project_path = tempfile("clone"),
- project_name
The name of the project to be created
- project_gitlab_id
GitLab ID of the project if it already exist on your Forge
- config_path
The path to the yaml configuration file to use with your options to modify the default one. See details.
- project_path
The path to the project if your want to keep it locally. Default to temporary directory.
- ...
Any parameter existing in the configuration file that you would like to use to override your config files
By default, the project is a R package created on https://gitlab.com/about/ in your personal repository. Use your own configuration file to amend the default one.
The configuration file is a yaml file with all possible options. You do not have to specify all options as it will be combined with our default ones. Open the default one to see what is in it: file.edit(system.file("config_default_thinkr_gitlab.yml", package = "lozen"))
if (interactive()) {
# Default on GitLab.com
init_project_with_all(project_name = "newprojectpkg")
# Change default options with your own config file
init_project_with_all(project_name = "newprojectpkg", config_path = "<my-config-path>")
# Add any extra option to override values of your config file once
init_project_with_all(project_name = "newprojectpkg", config_path = "<my-config-path>", gitlab_namespace_id = "000")