Launch app

Function run_dev() will execute the content of dev/run_dev.R and launch the application


Run the dev/run_dev.R file

Create files

These functions create files inside the inst/app folder. These functions can be used outside of a golem project.

add_js_file() add_js_handler() add_js_input_binding() add_js_output_binding() add_css_file() add_sass_file() add_empty_file() add_html_template() add_partial_html_template() add_ui_server_files()

Create Files

Create a Dockerfile

Build a container containing your Shiny App. add_dockerfile() creates a “classical” Dockerfile, while add_dockerfile_shinyproxy() and add_dockerfile_heroku() creates platform specific Dockerfile.

add_dockerfile() add_dockerfile_shinyproxy() add_dockerfile_heroku() add_dockerfile_with_renv() add_dockerfile_with_renv_shinyproxy() add_dockerfile_with_renv_heroku()

Create a Dockerfile for your App

Use files

use_external_js_file and use_external_css_filedownload files from external sources and install them inside the appropriate directory. use_utils_ui copies the golem_utils_ui.R to the R folder and use_utils_server copies the golem_utils_server.R to the R folder.

use_external_js_file() use_external_css_file() use_external_html_template() use_external_file() use_internal_js_file() use_internal_css_file() use_internal_html_template() use_internal_file()

Use Files

use_utils_ui() use_utils_test_ui() use_utils_server() use_utils_test_server()

Use the utils files


Generate a README.Rmd

Add fct_ and utils_ files

Add fct_ and utils_ files

add_fct() add_utils() add_r6()

Add fct_ and utils_ files

Add an app.R

Add an app.R at the root of your package to deploy on RStudio Connect

add_positconnect_file() add_rstudioconnect_file() add_shinyappsio_file() add_shinyserver_file() add_rscignore_file()

Add an app.R at the root of your package to deploy on RStudio Connect

Mode detection

Is the app in dev mode or prod mode?

app_prod() app_dev()

Is the app in dev mode or prod mode?

Dev dependent functions

This functions will be run only if golem::app_dev() returns TRUE.

cat_dev() print_dev() message_dev() warning_dev() browser_dev()

Functions already made dev dependent

Test helpers

These functions are designed to be used inside the tests in your Shiny app package.

expect_shinytag() expect_shinytaglist() expect_html_equal() expect_running()

Test helpers

Favicon functions

This function adds the favicon from ico to your shiny app.

use_favicon() remove_favicon() favicon()

Add a favicon to your shinyapp


insert_ns() takes a selected character vector and wrap it in ns(). The series of go_to_*() addins help you go to common files used in developing a {golem} application.

insert_ns() go_to_start() go_to_dev() go_to_deploy() go_to_run_dev() go_to_app_ui() go_to_app_server() go_to_run_app()

golem addins

JavaScript interaction functions

activate_js is used in your UI to insert directly the JavaScript functions contained in golem. These functions can be called from the server with invoke_js. invoke_js can also be used to launch any JS function created inside a Shiny JavaScript handler.

activate_js() invoke_js()

Interact with JavaScript built-in Functions


Set and get a series of options to be used with golem. These options are found inside the golem-config.yml file, found in most cases inside the inst folder.

get_golem_wd() get_golem_name() get_golem_version() set_golem_wd() set_golem_name() set_golem_version() set_golem_options()

golem options

use_recommended_deps adds shiny, DT, attempt, glue, golem, htmltools to dependencies use_recommended_tests adds a test folder and copy the golem tests install_dev_deps install all packages needed for golem developpement

use_recommended_deps() use_recommended_tests()

Add recommended elements


Install golem dev dependencies



Create a module


Amend golem config file


Create a package for a Shiny App using golem


Add resource path


Insert an hidden browser button


Automatically serve golem external resources


Detach all attached package


Document and reload your package


Fill your DESCRIPTION file


Make a function dependent to dev mode


Add Golem options to a Shiny App




Is the directory a golem-based app?


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