is used to insert directly some JavaScript functions in your golem.
By default bundle_ressources()
load these function automatically for you.
invoke_js(fun, ..., session = shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain())
JS function to be invoked.
JSON-like messages to be sent to the triggered JS function
The shiny session within which to call sendCustomMessage
Show an element with the jQuery selector provided. Example: golem::invoke_js("show", "#id");
Hide an element with the jQuery selector provided. Example: golem::invoke_js("hide", "#id")
Show an element with the id provided. Example: golem::invoke_js("showid", "id")
Hide an element with the id provided. Example: golem::invoke_js("hideid", "id")
Same as showid, but with class. Example: golem::invoke_js("showclass", "someClass")
Same as hideid, but with class. Example: golem::invoke_js("hideclass", "someClass")
Same as showid, but with a[href*=
. Example: golem::invoke_js("showhref", "")
Same as hideid, but with a[href*=
. Example: golem::invoke_js("hidehref", "")
Click on an element. The full jQuery selector has to be used. Example: golem::invoke_js("clickon", "#id")
Add "disabled" to an element. The full jQuery selector has to be used. Example: golem::invoke_js("disable", ".someClass")
Remove "disabled" from an element. The full jQuery selector has to be used. Example: golem::invoke_js("reable", ".someClass")
Open an alert box with the message(s) provided. Example: golem::invoke_js("alert", "WELCOME TO MY APP");
Open a prompt box with the message(s) provided. This function takes
a list with message and id list(message = "", id = "")
. The output of the prompt
will be sent to input$id
. Example: golem::invoke_js("prompt", list(message ="what's your name?", id = "name") )
Open a confirm box with the message provided. This function takes
a list with message and id list(message = "", id = "")
. The output of the prompt
will be sent to input$id
. Example: golem::invoke_js("confirm", list(message ="Are you sure you want to do that?", id = "name") )
Used for side-effects.
These JavaScript functions can be called from
the server with invoke_js
. invoke_js
can also be used
to launch any JS function created inside a Shiny JavaScript handler.
if (interactive()) {
ui <- fluidPage(
golem::activate_js(), # already loaded in your golem by `bundle_resources()`
actionButton(inputId = "hidebutton1", label = "hide button1"),
actionButton(inputId = "showbutton1", label = "show button1"),
actionButton(inputId = "button1", label = "button1")
actionButton(inputId = "hideclassA", label = "hide class A"),
actionButton(inputId = "showclassA", label = "show class A"),
actionButton(inputId = "buttonA1", label = "button A1", class = "A"),
actionButton(inputId = "buttonA2", label = "button A2", class = "A"),
actionButton(inputId = "buttonA3", label = "button A3", class = "A")
actionButton(inputId = "clickhide", label = "click on 'hide button1' and 'hide class A'"),
actionButton(inputId = "clickshow", label = "click on 'show button1' and 'show class A'")
actionButton(inputId = "disableA", label = "disable class A"),
actionButton(inputId = "reableA", label = "reable class A")
actionButton(inputId = "alertbutton", label = "alert button"),
actionButton(inputId = "promptbutton", label = "prompt button"),
actionButton(inputId = "confirmbutton", label = "confirm button")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
observeEvent(input$hidebutton1, {
golem::invoke_js("hideid", "button1")
observeEvent(input$showbutton1, {
golem::invoke_js("showid", "button1")
observeEvent(input$hideclassA, {
golem::invoke_js("hideclass", "A")
observeEvent(input$showclassA, {
golem::invoke_js("showclass", "A")
observeEvent(input$clickhide, {
golem::invoke_js("clickon", "#hidebutton1")
golem::invoke_js("clickon", "#hideclassA")
observeEvent(input$clickshow, {
golem::invoke_js("clickon", "#showbutton1")
golem::invoke_js("clickon", "#showclassA")
observeEvent(input$disableA, {
golem::invoke_js("disable", ".A")
observeEvent(input$reableA, {
golem::invoke_js("reable", ".A")
observeEvent(input$alertbutton, {
golem::invoke_js("alert", "ALERT!!")
observeEvent(input$promptbutton, {
golem::invoke_js("prompt", list(message = "what's your name?", id = "name"))
observeEvent(input$name, {
message(paste("input$name", input$name))
observeEvent(input$confirmbutton, {
golem::invoke_js("confirm", list(message = "Are you sure?", id = "sure"))
observeEvent(input$sure, {
message(paste("input$sure", input$sure))
shinyApp(ui, server)