{fusen} registers all files created with a flat file

From {fusen} >=0.5, a “config_fusen.yaml” file registers all files created from a specific “flat” file as soon as you inflate it. Hence, you can keep track on where to find the source of your functions and tests. One of its major functionnality is to help you clean your package files in case you decide to change a function name, delete a function or change a vignette name.

To make this work properly, you will have to register all files that were not created from a flat file. add_files_to_config() will help you do so (See below: “Register some specific files, even with regex”).

If you use this version of {fusen} in an existing project, you will want to register all existing files to avoid a too strong clean up: register_all_to_config() will help you do so (See below: “How to migrate from previous {fusen} versions?”).

{fusen} helps you clean your old functions and tests files

{fusen} inflates your flat files to script files with pre-defined names stored in the correct place, so that you do not have to think about it. If you do not change the default behavior, scripts names are created from the name of each function created.
Until version 0.4, if you decided to change the name of your function, or a function was obsolete, you had to clean it all manually.
This time is over with {fusen} version >0.5!
Now, {fusen} keeps track of files created with an inflate(), in a yaml configuration file. It also allows you to register all extra files that you decide are legitimate. Hence, {fusen} will be able to clean all files that are not necessary anymore in your package.

To make this work properly, all R, test and vignettes files will need to be registered in the “dev/config_fusen.yaml” file.
{fusen} will try to guess the source flat file of each script. This will only be possible if you used {fusen} >= 0.4 before. Otherwise, you may want to follow the detailed process below.

Delete files not anymore linked to a flat file

TODO - clean_fusen_files

Register some specific files, even with regex

You may not want to register each new file that does not come during an inflate process. For instance, with {golem}, there are module (^mod_*) files, which need to be protected. You can add this regular expression directly in the yaml file with add_files_to_config(c("R" = "^mod_*"))

Deprecate flat files after inflate

If your practice of {fusen} is to inflate it once, and then continue development in the R, test and vignette files directly, then you may want to properly deprecated the flat file.
We recommend to use deprecate_flat_file() to clean your script files (remove “do not edit”), update the config file and move the flat file in a “dev/dev_history” directory.


How to migrate from previous {fusen} versions?

This vignette shows tools that are used internally to {fusen} to keep track of all files created during the inflate() process. They are visible to users as soon as they start using {fusen} >= 0.5, even if the package was built without {fusen}, or with an earlier version of {fusen}.

The recommended process for a migration is:

  • Run register_all_to_config() in your current package to create the “dev/config_fusen.yaml” that registers all your existing files.
  • You will note a “keep” section, which lists all files for which the source was not guessed. You can clean it up if you want.
  • You’re good to go with the new version of {fusen}

You can take this opportunity to clean your repository

If you used earlier versions of {fusen}, it is possible that you have some remaining “.R” or test files. You may want to detect which scripts are linked to a flat file. If you are more familiar with “.csv” file than with the “.yaml” file above, or if you want a quick edit of multiple sources, you can run these intermediate steps:

  • Run check_not_registered_files() on your package
  • Open the “dev/config_not_registered.csv” file
    • The csv contains all existing “R/”, “tests/” and “vignettes/” files
    • If you used earlier version of {fusen}, the csv may list the flat file of origin
  • Clean or modify the csv file
    • Let origin = "keep" for files to keep, that are not coming from a flat file
  • Run df_to_config()
  • You’re good to go with the new version of {fusen}

The details of each function linked to config

You can continue reading if you are interesting in the functioning of these config file manipulations.

Keep it all, I am sure of the current state

If all files of the current state are legitimate, then, you can register everything in the config file.

Run register_all_to_config() in your current package to create the “dev/config_fusen.yaml” that registers all your files. You will note a “keep” section, which lists all files for which the source was not guessed.

#' \dontrun{
# Usually run this one inside the current project
# Note: running this will write "dev/config_fusen.yaml" in your working directory
#' }
# Or you can try on the reproducible example
dummypackage <- tempfile("register")

# {fusen} steps
fill_description(pkg = dummypackage, fields = list(Title = "Dummy Package"))
dev_file <- suppressMessages(add_flat_template(pkg = dummypackage, overwrite = TRUE, open = FALSE))
flat_file <- dev_file[grepl("flat_", dev_file)]
# Inflate once
usethis::with_project(dummypackage, {
      pkg = dummypackage, flat_file = flat_file,
      vignette_name = "Get started", check = FALSE,
      open_vignette = FALSE
  out_path <- register_all_to_config(dummypackage)

  # Look at the output

Protect existing R, tests and vignettes files

df_to_config() allows to add your own list of files that you want to keep in your package, despite not being created with a flat file.
This is important if you started to develop without {fusen}, and start using a flat file from now on, so that {fusen} does not delete your existing files.

# Add your own list of files to "keep",
# if they are not in a flat file.
# Otherwise, they may be deleted with your next `inflate()`
my_files_to_protect <- tibble::tribble(
  ~type, ~path,
  "R", "R/zaza.R",
  "R", "R/zozo.R",
  "test", "tests/testthat/test-zaza.R",
  "vignette", "vignettes/my-zaza-vignette.Rmd"

#' \dontrun{
#' }

# Provide a list of `inflate()` parameters if you wish them
# to be added in the dev/config_fusen.yaml file

#' \dontrun{
  inflate_parameters = list(
    pkg = ".",
    flat_file = "dev/my_flat.Rmd",
    vignette_name = "My new vignette",
    open_vignette = FALSE,
    check = FALSE,
    document = TRUE,
    overwrite = "yes"
#' }

List files that are not registered in config

{fusen} now registers all files created during inflate(). This allows to clean the packages directories in case some functions do not exist anymore and were renamed.
However, this also requires to register all existing files if you started your package without {fusen} or with an earlier version of {fusen}.
check_not_registered_files() shows files that are not already registered in the yaml config file. The output is consistent with what is needed for df_to_config() to register them if wanted.
Note that check_not_registered_files() will try to guess the source flat template, if you used {fusen} >= 0.4 before.

#' \dontrun{
# Run this on the current package in development
out_csv <- check_not_registered_files()
#' }
# Or you can try on the reproducible example
dummypackage <- tempfile("clean")

# {fusen} steps
fill_description(pkg = dummypackage, fields = list(Title = "Dummy Package"))
dev_file <- suppressMessages(add_flat_template(pkg = dummypackage, overwrite = TRUE, open = FALSE))
flat_file <- dev_file[grepl("flat_", dev_file)]
# Inflate once
usethis::with_project(dummypackage, {
      pkg = dummypackage, flat_file = flat_file,
      vignette_name = "Get started", check = FALSE,
      open_vignette = FALSE

  # Add a not registered file to the package
  cat("# test R file", file = file.path(dummypackage, "R", "to_keep.R"))

  # Use the fonction to check the list of files
  out_csv <- check_not_registered_files(dummypackage)
  # Open the csv to modify manually the list of files in the csv created
  # Indeed, the "to_keep.R" file will be registered as
  # "No existing source path found."
  # Manually change this line with "keep"
  content_csv <- read.csv(out_csv, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  # Here I change the line to simulate what you manually did above
  content_csv[content_csv[["path"]] == "R/to_keep.R", "origin"] <- "keep"
  write.csv(content_csv, out_csv)
  out_config <- df_to_config(
    df_files = out_csv,
    inflate_parameters = list(
      pkg = dummypackage, flat_file = flat_file,
      vignette_name = "Get started", check = FALSE,
      open_vignette = FALSE
  # Open the out_config file to see what's going on
unlink(dummypackage, recursive = TRUE)



#> This does nothing for now