Show in a table files that are not already registered in the yaml config file
If user start their package without 'fusen' or with version < 0.4, they need to create the config file, with already existing functions.
path = ".",
guess = TRUE,
to_csv = TRUE,
open = FALSE
- path
Path to package to check for not registered files
- config_file
Path to the configuration file
- guess
Logical. Guess if the file was inflated by a specific flat file
- to_csv
Logical. Whether to store along the config file, the outputs in a csv for the user to clean it manually
- open
Logical. Whether to open the csv of unregistered files.
Path to csv file if to_csv
is TRUE. dput()
of the dataframe otherwise.
See also
for automatically registering all files already present in the project,
to inflate every flat files according to the configuration file.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Run this on the current package in development
out_csv <- check_not_registered_files()
} # }
# Or you can try on the reproducible example
dummypackage <- tempfile("clean")
# {fusen} steps
fill_description(pkg = dummypackage, fields = list(Title = "Dummy Package"))
dev_file <- suppressMessages(add_flat_template(pkg = dummypackage, overwrite = TRUE, open = FALSE))
flat_file <- dev_file[grepl("flat_", dev_file)]
# Inflate once
usethis::with_project(dummypackage, {
pkg = dummypackage,
flat_file = flat_file,
vignette_name = "Get started",
check = FALSE,
open_vignette = FALSE
# Add a not registered file to the package
cat("# test R file\n", file = file.path(dummypackage, "R", "to_keep.R"))
# Use the function to check the list of files
out_csv <- check_not_registered_files(dummypackage)
# Read the csv to see what is going on
content_csv <- read.csv(out_csv, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Keep it all or delete some files, and then register all remaining
out_config <- register_all_to_config()
# Open the out_config file to see what's going on
#> ✔ Setting active project to "/tmp/Rtmpki0c42/clean18b83b3289ae".
#> ── config file for dev/flat_full.Rmd ───────────────────────────────────────────
#> ℹ Some files in your package are not registered in the configuration file stored in dev/config_fusen.yaml: R/to_keep.R
#> fusen uses a configuration file to store the structure of your package and help you clean it when needed.
#> You will find a list of unregistered files there: csv_file that you can open with `file.edit('dev/config_not_registered.csv')`
#> Delete unregistered files that you do not need anymore. Then run `fusen::register_all_to_config()`.
#> After that, this message should not appear in your next `fusen::check_not_registered_files()` or `fusen::inflate_all()` calls.
#> For more information, read `vignette('register-files-in-config (`vignette(fusen::register-files-in-config)`)', package = 'fusen')`
#> cli-147-505
#> ✔ R: R/to_keep.R was added to the config file
#> ── Delete dev/config_not_registered.csv ────────────────────────────────────────
#> ✔ Setting active project to "<no active project>".
#> $flat_full.Rmd
#> $flat_full.Rmd$path
#> [1] "dev/flat_full.Rmd"
#> $flat_full.Rmd$state
#> [1] "active"
#> $flat_full.Rmd$R
#> [1] "R/my_median.R" "R/my_other_median.R"
#> $flat_full.Rmd$tests
#> [1] "tests/testthat/test-my_median.R"
#> [2] "tests/testthat/test-my_other_median.R"
#> $flat_full.Rmd$vignettes
#> [1] "vignettes/get-started.Rmd"
#> $flat_full.Rmd$inflate
#> $flat_full.Rmd$inflate$flat_file
#> [1] "dev/flat_full.Rmd"
#> $flat_full.Rmd$inflate$vignette_name
#> [1] "Get started"
#> $flat_full.Rmd$inflate$open_vignette
#> [1] FALSE
#> $flat_full.Rmd$inflate$check
#> [1] FALSE
#> $flat_full.Rmd$inflate$document
#> [1] TRUE
#> $flat_full.Rmd$inflate$overwrite
#> [1] "ask"
#> $flat_full.Rmd$inflate$clean
#> [1] "ask"
#> $flat_full.Rmd$inflate$codecov
#> [1] FALSE
#> $keep
#> $keep$path
#> [1] "keep"
#> $keep$state
#> [1] "active"
#> $keep$R
#> [1] "R/to_keep.R"
#> $keep$tests
#> list()
#> $keep$vignettes
#> list()
unlink(dummypackage, recursive = TRUE)