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squash is an open-source project, and we welcome contributions of all kinds.

Contributing to {squash}

Development of {squash} happens on GitHub. You can contribute to the package in several ways:

  • Reporting issues: If you find a bug, please file a minimal reproducible example on GitHub with a clear description of the issue.

  • Contributing code: If you want to contribute code, please open a pull request on GitHub.

  • Documentation: If you find a typo or error in the documentation, please open a pull request on GitHub.

  • Ideas: If you have an idea for a new feature, please open an issue on GitHub to discuss it.

Any contribution is welcome!

Note for the contributors

If you want to contribute to the package, please note that the package is structured as follows:

  • The main functions are in the R/ folder.

  • The tests are in the tests/ folder.

  • The documentation is in the man/ folder.

  • The vignettes are in the vignettes/ folder.

  • The squash template files are in the inst/ folder.

Code style

This package follows the grkstyle style guide. Please make sure to follow the same style when contributing to the package.

Actual state of the package

The package is in active development. The actual state of the check for main is: R-CMD-check

Please make sure that your contribution does not break the package. You can run the checks locally by running the following code:


You can run the following code to trigger interactive tests that ask for user validation of the output:


Code of Conduct

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.