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Using quarto themes

Let’s say the default quarto theme is somewhat not your style, how could you include your preferred quarto theme ?

To do so, you first need to install your target extension on your machine from your terminal, like you would do for a single quarto revealjs file rendering.

quarto add ArthurData/quarto-revealjs-lilleuniv

Great, now you can use this theme with squash by providing the target theme as output_format and the path to the _extensions folder as ext_dir.

html_output <- compile_qmd_course(
  vec_qmd_path = qmds,
  output_dir = temp_dir,
  output_html = "complete_course.html",
  output_format = "lille-univ-dark-revealjs",
  ext_dir = "path/to/_extensions/"

My slide deck will now bear my custom theme !

default theme slides

A defaut first slide with blank background

custom theme slides

A custom first slide with lille university theme

Using quarto plugins

Cool right? But let’s go further and add a couple plugins in the _extensions folder!

quarto add ArthurData/quarto-confetti
quarto add quarto-ext/pointer

You can now list these plugins in the metadata_template parameters and integrate them in your presentation.

The metadata_template input list will be converted as yaml-like parameters and provided to the rendering machinery, as if you had directly written them in the header of your quarto file.

html_output <- compile_qmd_course(
  vec_qmd_path = qmds,
  output_dir = temp_dir,
  output_html = "complete_course.html",
  metadata_template = list(
    `revealjs-plugins` = list("confetti", "pointer")
  ext_dir = "path/to/_extensions/"

Now, I can throw confetti by pressing c and get my pointer with q 🎉.

A default first slide with confetti throwing and pointer activation

A note on extensions

  • Metadata and parameters set in the compile_qmd_course will supersede the parameters detected inside the quarto header and/or the quarto project metadata files.

  • In order to use themes and plugins, you can only provide a single _extensions folder via the ext_dir parameter, so make sure all the necessary plugins and themes are installed in there.

  • You can edit the metadata a the template level (metadata_template input) and/or the individual chapter level (metadata_qmd input). It is usually best for plugins and themes to be applied at the template level (which will be the wrapper of the main html output file). Chapter-level metadata may be usefull to remove some overlapping content (e.g. logo, footer).

  • When rendering a quarto file with extensions, squash will provide access tho the target _extensions folder. Several cases can be triggered :

    • the file is part of a quarto project: the _extensions folder is copied in the quarto project root and cleaned after rendering
    • the file is not part of a quarto project: the _extensions folder is copied in the file folder and cleaned after rendering
    • in both cases, if some of the extensions are already present in the target location, a note will be raised in the console and squash will use the existing extensions without overwriting them.