Test gitlab CI workflows
This functions allows its users to launch an expression to initiate a given gitlab ci workflow within a dummy project on a #' gitlab instance.
gitlab_url = Sys.getenv("GITLAB_URL", unset = "https://gitlab.com"),
private_token = Sys.getenv("GITLAB_TOKEN"),
connect_url = Sys.getenv("CONNECT_URL"),
connect_api_token = Sys.getenv("CONNECT_TOKEN"),
connect_user = Sys.getenv("CONNECT_USER"),
connect_name = Sys.getenv("CONNECT_NAME", unset = "connect"),
project_name = "lozen.test.project",
branch_focus_for_ci = "main",
- gitlab_url
A character string. The url of the gilab instance.
- namespace_id
An integer. The id of the gitlab group to create the project in.
- private_token
A character string. The token to gain access to the gitlab api.
- connect_url
A character string. The URL to the Connect server.
- connect_api_token
A character string. The token to gain access to the Connect API. The token must be granted admin access.
- connect_user
A character string. User name on Connect.
- connect_name
A character string. Name of the Connect server (default "connect")
- project_name
A character string. The name of the project to be created.
- branch_focus_for_ci
Name of the branch to be targeted for the CI pipeline.
- exp
A valid R expression initializing a project and a gitlab ci workflow.
if (FALSE) {
output <- with_gitlab_project(
gitlab_url = Sys.getenv("GITLAB_URL", unset = "https://gitlab.com"),
namespace_id = NULL,
private_token = Sys.getenv("GITLAB_TOKEN"),
project_name = "bookdown.test.project",
exp = {
project_path = getwd(),
type = "book",
name_licence = "Bobo",
type_licence = usethis::use_mit_license
lozen::use_gitlab_ci(type = "bookdown", bookdown_output_format = "lozen::paged_template")