Create a Weekly/Daily summary of what happened in your GitLab Board
Create a Weekly/Daily summary of what happened in your GitLab Board
date_min = Sys.Date() - 7,
date_max = Sys.Date(),
language = c("fr", "en"),
gitlab_url = Sys.getenv("GITLAB_URL", unset = "https://gitlab.com"),
private_token = Sys.getenv("GITLAB_TOKEN"),
verbose = FALSE,
regex_done = "close|closed|done",
regex_validation = "a valider|validation",
regex_blocked = "blocked|bloque|bloqu\\\\u00e9",
regex_inprogress =
"in progress|en cours|review|revision|r\\\\u00e9vision|r\\\\u00e9-validation",
regex_ready = "ready|pret|pr\\\\u00eat",
daily = FALSE,
date_daily = Sys.Date(),
max_page_opened = 10,
max_page_closed = 5
- project_id
Id of the GitLab project
- date_min
Minimal date to search from. The oldest date.
- date_max
Maximal date to search to. The more recent date.
- language
Character. Language: 'fr' ou 'en'.
- gitlab_url
URL of the GitLab Forge
- private_token
Your private GitLab instance token allowed to use the "api".
- verbose
Logical. Whether to show the outputs in the console.
- regex_done
Regular expression to detect labels for issues done by developers (and potentially awaiting validation by clients)
- regex_validation
Regular expression to detect labels for issues waiting for validation
- regex_blocked
Regular expression to detect labels for issues blocked (and potentially awaiting information by clients)
- regex_inprogress
Regular expression to detect labels for issues in progress (and potentially awaiting review by lead dev.)
- regex_ready
Regular expression to detect labels for issues ready (and potentially reorder by lead dev.)
- daily
Logical. Create the daily issues summary for GitLab
- date_daily
Date to search from.
- max_page_opened
a numeric. The maximum number of pages to retrieve for open issues. Defaults to 10.
- max_page_closed
a numeric. The maximum number of pages to retrieve for close issues. Defaults to 5.
- ...
Additional arguments