Create the template for standard issue on gitlab
Create the template for standard issue on gitlab
- project_path
Path to the project
- language
Language. Should be one of 'fr' or 'en'
- type
Verbosity of comments in the template. Should be 'full' or 'light'.
# Try with a temp project
## Create temp dir and file
project_path <- tempfile("myproject")
## Add the full template in french
gh_add_template_issue(project_path, language = "fr", type = "full")
#> Issue template added, find it when creating a new issue on the graphical interface
## Add the full template in english
gh_add_template_issue(project_path, language = "en", type = "full")
#> Issue template added, find it when creating a new issue on the graphical interface
## Add the light template in french
gh_add_template_issue(project_path, language = "fr", type = "light")
#> Issue template added, find it when creating a new issue on the graphical interface
## Add the light template in english
gh_add_template_issue(project_path, language = "en", type = "light")
#> Issue template added, find it when creating a new issue on the graphical interface
# suppress tmp folder
unlink(project_path, recursive = TRUE)