Inflate Rmd to package
pkg = ".",
vignette_name = "Get started",
open_vignette = TRUE,
check = TRUE,
document = TRUE,
overwrite = "ask",
clean = "ask",
update_params = TRUE,
codecov = FALSE,
- pkg
Path to package
- flat_file
Path to Rmarkdown file to inflate
- vignette_name
Character. Title of the resulting vignette. Use
if you do not want to create a vignette.- open_vignette
Logical. Whether to open vignette file at the end of the process
- check
Logical. Whether to check package after Rmd inflating
- document
Logical. Whether to document your package using
- overwrite
Logical (TRUE, FALSE) or character ("ask", "yes", "no). Whether to overwrite vignette and functions if already exists.
- clean
Logical (TRUE, FALSE) or character ("ask", "yes", "no) Whether to delete files that are not anymore created by the current flat file. Typically, if you have deleted or renamed a function in the flat file. Default to "ask".
- update_params
Logical. Whether to update the inflate parameters in the configuration file.
- codecov
Logical. Whether to compute code coverage with
.- ...
Arguments passed to
. For example, you can doinflate(check = TRUE, quiet = TRUE)
, wherequiet
is passed todevtools::check()
See also
to inflate every flat files according to the configuration file.
# Create a new project
dummypackage <- tempfile("dummy.package")
# {fusen} steps
dev_file <- add_flat_template(template = "full", pkg = dummypackage, overwrite = TRUE)
#> Created file .here in /tmp/RtmprvpkOS/dummy.package200a7c13232f . Please start a new R session in the new project directory.
flat_file <- dev_file[grepl("flat", dev_file)]
fill_description(pkg = dummypackage, fields = list(Title = "Dummy Package"))
pkg = dummypackage,
flat_file = flat_file,
vignette_name = "Exploration of my Data",
check = FALSE
#> ✔ Setting active project to "/tmp/RtmprvpkOS/dummy.package200a7c13232f".
#> ℹ Loading dummy.package200a7c13232f
#> Writing NAMESPACE
#> ✔ Adding knitr to Suggests field in DESCRIPTION.
#> ☐ Use `requireNamespace("knitr", quietly = TRUE)` to test if knitr is
#> installed.
#> ☐ Then directly refer to functions with `knitr::fun()`.
#> ✔ Adding "inst/doc" to .gitignore.
#> ── config file for dev/flat_full.Rmd ───────────────────────────────────────────
#> ✔ R: R/my_median.R was added to the config file
#> ✔ R: R/my_other_median.R was added to the config file
#> ✔ tests: tests/testthat/test-my_median.R was added to the config file
#> ✔ tests: tests/testthat/test-my_other_median.R was added to the config file
#> ✔ vignettes: vignettes/exploration-of-my-data.Rmd was added to the config file
#> Saving attachment parameters to yaml config file
#> Updating dummy.package200a7c13232f documentation
#> ℹ Loading dummy.package200a7c13232f
#> Writing NAMESPACE
#> Writing my_median.Rd
#> Writing my_other_median.Rd
#> Writing sub_median.Rd
#> ℹ Loading dummy.package200a7c13232f
#> [+] 3 package(s) added: stats, rmarkdown, testthat.
# Explore directory of the package
# browseURL(dummypackage)
# Try pkgdown build
# usethis::use_pkgdown()
# pkgdown::build_site(dummypackage)
# Delete dummy package
unlink(dummypackage, recursive = TRUE)