Amend DESCRIPTION with dependencies read from package code parsing
Amend package DESCRIPTION file with the list of dependencies extracted from
R, examples, tests, vignettes files.
att_to_desc_from_pkg() is an alias of att_amend_desc(),
for the correspondence with att_to_desc_from_is()
path = ".",
path.n = "NAMESPACE",
path.d = "DESCRIPTION",
dir.r = "R",
dir.v = "vignettes",
dir.t = "tests",
extra.suggests = NULL,
pkg_ignore = NULL,
document = TRUE,
normalize = TRUE,
inside_rmd = FALSE,
must.exist = TRUE,
check_if_suggests_is_installed = TRUE,
update.config = FALSE,
use.config = TRUE,
path.c = "dev/config_attachment.yaml"
path = ".",
path.n = "NAMESPACE",
path.d = "DESCRIPTION",
dir.r = "R",
dir.v = "vignettes",
dir.t = "tests",
extra.suggests = NULL,
pkg_ignore = NULL,
document = TRUE,
normalize = TRUE,
inside_rmd = FALSE,
must.exist = TRUE,
check_if_suggests_is_installed = TRUE,
update.config = FALSE,
use.config = TRUE,
path.c = "dev/config_attachment.yaml"
- path
path to the root of the package directory. Default to current directory.
- path.n
path to namespace file.
- path.d
path to description file.
- dir.r
path to directory with R scripts.
- dir.v
path to vignettes directory. Set to empty (dir.v = "") to ignore.
- dir.t
path to tests directory. Set to empty (dir.t = "") to ignore.
- extra.suggests
vector of other packages that should be added in Suggests (pkgdown, covr for instance)
- pkg_ignore
vector of packages names to ignore.
- document
Run function roxygenise of roxygen2 package
- normalize
Logical. Whether to normalize the DESCRIPTION file. See
- inside_rmd
Logical. Whether function is run inside a Rmd, in case this must be executed in an external R session
- must.exist
Logical. If TRUE then an error is given if packages do not exist within installed packages. If NA, a warning.
- check_if_suggests_is_installed
Logical. Whether to require that packages in the Suggests section are installed.
- update.config
logical. Should the parameters used in this call be saved in the config file of the package
- use.config
logical. Should the command use the parameters from the config file to run
- path.c
character Path to the yaml config file where parameters are saved
Your daily use is to run att_amend_desc()
, as is.
You will want to run this function sometimes with some extra information like
att_amend_desc(pkg_ignore = "x", update.config = TRUE)
if you have to update
the configuration file.
Next time att_amend_desc()
will use these parameters from the configuration
file directly.
# Run on an external "dummypackage" as an example
# For your local use, you do not have to specify the `path` as below
# By default, `att_amend_desc()` will run on the current working directory
# Create a fake package for the example
tmpdir <- tempfile(pattern = "description")
file.copy(system.file("dummypackage",package = "attachment"), tmpdir,
recursive = TRUE)
#> [1] TRUE
dummypackage <- file.path(tmpdir, "dummypackage")
# Update documentation and dependencies
att_amend_desc(path = dummypackage)
#> Saving attachment parameters to yaml config file
#> Updating dummypackage documentation
#> Setting `RoxygenNote` to "7.3.2"
#> Writing NAMESPACE
#> ℹ Loading dummypackage
#> Writing NAMESPACE
#> ℹ Loading dummypackage
#> Package(s) Rcpp is(are) in category 'LinkingTo'. Check your Description file to be sure it is really what you want.
# You can look at the content of this external package
#' # browseURL(dummypackage)
# Update the config file with extra parameters
# We recommend that you store this code in a file in your "dev/" directory
# to run it when needed
att_amend_desc(path = dummypackage, extra.suggests = "testthat", update.config = TRUE)
#> 'update.config' was set to TRUE, hence, 'use.config' was forced to FALSE
#> Saving attachment parameters to yaml config file
#> Updating dummypackage documentation
#> Writing NAMESPACE
#> ℹ Loading dummypackage
#> Writing NAMESPACE
#> ℹ Loading dummypackage
#> Package(s) Rcpp is(are) in category 'LinkingTo'. Check your Description file to be sure it is really what you want.
# Next time, in your daily development
att_amend_desc(path = dummypackage)
#> Documentation parameters were restored from attachment config file.
#> Updating dummypackage documentation
#> Writing NAMESPACE
#> ℹ Loading dummypackage
#> Writing NAMESPACE
#> ℹ Loading dummypackage
#> Package(s) Rcpp is(are) in category 'LinkingTo'. Check your Description file to be sure it is really what you want.
# Clean after examples
unlink(tmpdir, recursive = TRUE)