Bug fixes

  • Modification of unit tests following {roxygen2} changes. find_missing_values only return messages instead of warnings. (@MurielleDelmotte)

Major changes

Minor changes

  • Clean userspace after examples and tests
  • Export create_example_pkg() to get examples in functions documentation

Bring the package up to standard (#25)

  • Modify the LICENCE to MIT
  • Update Code Of Conduct to a recent version
  • Add a package documentation
  • Update Github Actions workflows
  • Check with same variables and parameters as CRAN with check_as_cran() (#21)
  • Find missing tags in your roxygen skeletons with find_missing_tags()
  • Print code to add to ‘globals.R’ with print_globals()
  • Extract “no visibles” from notes of rcmdcheck()
  • Added a NEWS.md file to track changes to the package.