List the jobs with gl_jobs
, the pipelines with gl_pipelines
download the most recent artifacts
archive with gl_latest_build_artifact
. For every branch and job combination
only the most recent artifacts archive is available.
gl_pipelines(project, ...)
gl_jobs(project, ...)
ref_name = get_main(),
save_to_file = tempfile(fileext = ".zip"),
id (preferred way) or name of the project. Not repository name.
passed on to gitlab()
API call
Name of the job to get build artifacts from
name of ref (i.e. branch, commit, tag). Default to 'main'.
either a path where to store .zip file or NULL if raw should be returned
returns the file path if save_to_file
is TRUE,
or the archive as raw otherwise.
if (FALSE) {
# connect as a fixed user to a GitLab instance
gitlab_url = "",
private_token = Sys.getenv("GITLAB_COM_TOKEN")
# Get pipelines and jobs information
gl_pipelines(project = "<<your-project-id>>")
gl_jobs(project = "<<your-project-id>>")
gl_latest_build_artifact(project = "<<your-project-id>>", job = "build")