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Amend package DESCRIPTION file with the list of dependencies extracted from R, examples, tests, vignettes files. att_to_desc_from_pkg() is an alias of att_amend_desc(), for the correspondence with att_to_desc_from_is().


  path = ".",
  path.n = "NAMESPACE",
  path.d = "DESCRIPTION",
  dir.r = "R",
  dir.v = "vignettes",
  dir.t = "tests",
  extra.suggests = NULL,
  pkg_ignore = NULL,
  document = TRUE,
  normalize = TRUE,
  inside_rmd = FALSE,
  must.exist = TRUE,
  check_if_suggests_is_installed = TRUE,
  update.config = FALSE,
  use.config = TRUE,
  path.c = "dev/config_attachment.yaml"

  path = ".",
  path.n = "NAMESPACE",
  path.d = "DESCRIPTION",
  dir.r = "R",
  dir.v = "vignettes",
  dir.t = "tests",
  extra.suggests = NULL,
  pkg_ignore = NULL,
  document = TRUE,
  normalize = TRUE,
  inside_rmd = FALSE,
  must.exist = TRUE,
  check_if_suggests_is_installed = TRUE,
  update.config = FALSE,
  use.config = TRUE,
  path.c = "dev/config_attachment.yaml"



path to the root of the package directory. Default to current directory.


path to namespace file.


path to description file.


path to directory with R scripts.


path to vignettes directory. Set to empty (dir.v = "") to ignore.


path to tests directory. Set to empty (dir.t = "") to ignore.


vector of other packages that should be added in Suggests (pkgdown, covr for instance)


vector of packages names to ignore.


Run function roxygenise of roxygen2 package


Logical. Whether to normalize the DESCRIPTION file. See desc::desc_normalize()


Logical. Whether function is run inside a Rmd, in case this must be executed in an external R session


Logical. If TRUE then an error is given if packages do not exist within installed packages. If NA, a warning.


Logical. Whether to require that packages in the Suggests section are installed.


logical. Should the parameters used in this call be saved in the config file of the package


logical. Should the command use the parameters from the config file to run


character Path to the yaml config file where parameters are saved


Update DESCRIPTION file.


Your daily use is to run att_amend_desc(), as is. You will want to run this function sometimes with some extra information like att_amend_desc(pkg_ignore = "x", update.config = TRUE) if you have to update the configuration file. Next time att_amend_desc() will use these parameters from the configuration file directly.


# Run on an external "dummypackage" as an example
# For your local use, you do not have to specify the `path` as below
# By default, `att_amend_desc()` will run on the current working directory

# Create a fake package for the example
tmpdir <- tempfile(pattern = "description")
file.copy(system.file("dummypackage",package = "attachment"), tmpdir,
 recursive = TRUE)
#> [1] TRUE
dummypackage <- file.path(tmpdir, "dummypackage")

# Update documentation and dependencies
att_amend_desc(path = dummypackage)
#> Saving attachment parameters to yaml config file
#> Updating dummypackage documentation
#> Setting `RoxygenNote` to "7.3.2"
#> Writing NAMESPACE
#>  Loading dummypackage
#> Writing NAMESPACE
#>  Loading dummypackage
#> Package(s) Rcpp is(are) in category 'LinkingTo'. Check your Description file to be sure it is really what you want.

# You can look at the content of this external package
#' # browseURL(dummypackage)

# Update the config file with extra parameters
# We recommend that you store this code in a file in your "dev/" directory
# to run it when needed
att_amend_desc(path = dummypackage, extra.suggests = "testthat", update.config = TRUE)
#> 'update.config' was set to TRUE, hence, 'use.config' was forced to FALSE
#> Saving attachment parameters to yaml config file
#> Updating dummypackage documentation
#> Writing NAMESPACE
#>  Loading dummypackage
#> Writing NAMESPACE
#>  Loading dummypackage
#> Package(s) Rcpp is(are) in category 'LinkingTo'. Check your Description file to be sure it is really what you want.

# Next time, in your daily development
att_amend_desc(path = dummypackage)
#> Documentation parameters were restored from attachment config file.
#> Updating dummypackage documentation
#> Writing NAMESPACE
#>  Loading dummypackage
#> Writing NAMESPACE
#>  Loading dummypackage
#> Package(s) Rcpp is(are) in category 'LinkingTo'. Check your Description file to be sure it is really what you want.

# Clean after examples
unlink(tmpdir, recursive = TRUE)